Art of Peacemaking Contest
Contact our office for deadline dates and additional details.
Create a piece of art which portrays peacemaking, conflict resolution, or the burden of being in conflict with others.
First Place $150
Second Place $75
Contest Rules:
- Contest is open to any student mediating in a Peer Mediation or participating in some form of conflict resolution program at any school in Macomb or St. Clair Counties.
- The medium is the prerogative of the artist. However, the piece must fit into our 8×10 or 11 x 14 frame and be hangable.
- Pieces may be produced and entered by individuals or groups. Only one entry per student. Schools may enter more than one piece.
- All entries must be submitted in early Spring (usually in March).
Include student’s name, school name, grade, parent(s) name(s), mailing address, and phone number. - Mail or deliver entries to: The Resolution Center, 176 S. Main, Suite 2, Mt. Clemens, Michigan 48043
- Awards will be announced at The Resolution Center’s Annual “Evening at the Movies” event.
- All pieces will be become the property of The Resolution Center and all winning pieces will be permanently displayed in our office.